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Potenciometro axial, mono vuelta, 250k Ohm, con eje largo; Panel, 2W, 10%, lineal, Marca Honeywell.
Conductive Plastic Potentiometers:Crafted of the finest materials available to insure long, reliable service. Provides extra long life with very low noise level. Rated 2 watts. Precision construction is completely enclosed. Conductive plastic element. RV4L and 53C2 designate 5⁄8" screwdriver slotted shaft FMS with 1⁄2" split locking bushing. RV4N and 53C3 designate 7⁄8" screwdriver slotted shaft FMS with 3⁄8" long bushing. 53C1 designates 2" long round shaft FMS with 3⁄8" long bushing. All have 1⁄4" diameter shaft. Average Shipping Weight: 4 oz. Specifications. Resistance Tolerance: 100 to 1 Meg — ±10%; over 1 Meg — ±20%. Rotation: 312° ±3%. End Resistance: Per MIL-R-94. Working Voltage: 500 VDC across end terminals. Linear Taper.